Open-Access-Metadaten: mehr Transparenz durch PIDs!  || TIB-Blog

Wie können offene Metadaten zu einer inklusiveren Open-Access-Kultur beitragen? Welche Voraussetzungen müssen geschaffen werden, damit von kommerziellen Verlagen unabhängige Zeitschriften in diesem Bereich konkurrenzfähig bleiben oder werden, um für Autor:innen attraktiv zu sein?

Der Beitrag Open-Access-Metadaten: mehr Transparenz durch PIDs!  erschien zuerst auf TIB-Blog.

Microsoft Academic – a major data source dries up || TIB-Blog

Microsoft has announced that the Microsoft Academic Graph will be discontinued at the end of 2021. What does this mean? Why is this important for researchers and research institutions? The Microsoft Academic Graph is the database behind Microsoft Academic, one of the most comprehensive academic search engines. However, Microsoft does not only use the data for this in-house search service. In contrast to its well-known competitor Google Scholar, it has decided to make the data available to third parties. And this has been used many times in recent years. One reason for this is certainly the size of Microsoft Academic. In a recent study by the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), various bibliographic data sources were examined, and the following figure speaks for itself – irregardless of some limitations put forward by the authors regarding comparability. Microsoft Academic is thus a huge data source that is also available

Der Beitrag Microsoft Academic – a major data source dries up erschien zuerst auf TIB-Blog.