With Karolina Drozdowska, a Polish guest from NTNU in Trondheim, nordlitt widens its geographical range eastwards. Drawing on a wide array of contemporary and historical […]
Nach einer kreativen Pause ist nordlitt zurück mit einer Spezialfolge. Am 16. Oktober waren Stefanie und Cecilia zu Gast an der Europa-Universität Flensburg und haben beim „Tag […]
Kristina Malmio, University of Helsinki, shares her research on local and global tendencies in Finland-Swedish literature with the help of two complex novels by Monika […]
Ellen Rees from the Center for Ibsen Studies at Oslo University introduces Henrik Ibsen as a theatre practitioner. She unfolds surprising resonances between French musical […]
nordlitt continues the mini-series on Queer Theory and literature with the help of Jenny Björklund, Uppsala University. We ask what queer literature and reading might […]
Per Esben Svelstad, NTNU Trondheim, introduces the first Norwegian novel discussing lesbian love, Borghild Krane’s Følelser forvirring. We discover an uncanonized author, learn about homocultural codes in […]
In nordlitts zweiter Folge in leiblicher Kopräsenz fragt Dörte Linke, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, mit der dänische Autorin Charlotte Weitze danach, wie man einen Klimaroman schreibt. […]
Kjersti Bale, Universitetet i Oslo, gjør nordlitt enda mere flerspråklig. I den første norsk-svenske episoden sammenligner hun Rita Felskis og Toril Mois litteraturteorier. Vi diskuterer […]
What can literary studies be? Toril Moi, Duke University, author of Revolution of the Ordinary: Literary Studies After Wittgenstein, Austin, and Cavell inspires us to […]
How does aesthetic experience come about? Rita Felski, University of Virigina, author of The Limits of Critique and Hooked: Art and Attachment guides us through her actor-network-inspired theories and […]